Does your community need a Professional Management Company?

Our Primary Responsibility

Our primary responsibility is to protect the quality of life and the property values of the homes in the community. There are many tasks related to this goal including collection of assessments, enforcement of covenants, rules, and restrictions, maintenance of common areas & facilities, and maintenance of architectural standards. All of these, when managed and supervised well, provide the necessary sustenance that produces a healthy and fruitful community.

Enforcement of Covenants, Restrictions, Rules & Policies

Our efforts are conducted promptly, but with respect towards all homeowners. We notify owners with a letter informing them of violation and requesting compliance. When possible, we would also try to reach out via telephone. A follow up request, if necessary, contains a stern final request and informs of our intention to levy fines, initiate abatement procedures or file a lawsuit as permitted under the Documents (Covenants).


It all starts with collections! We believe quick action increases the odds of successful collection. The delinquent owners are made aware of the seriousness of the obligations and made aware of the consequences and additional costs that they will incur without timely remittance. Because the likelihood of success is greater if the debt is addressed before it grows to a devastating amount, we stress communication promptly and repetitively. We involve our attorneys when necessary, but we make exhaustive efforts in house before placing the debts with the legal firm. To insure uniform enforcement, we follow the collection plan developed in accordance with the Covenants of the Association.

Past due accounts receive a 30 day courtesy letter with statement, copy of collection policy and friendly request to bring account current. If no payments are received within 30 days, we follow up with a “15 day final warning letter.”  After 15 days, the account is forwarded to our attorney to file a lien. They notify the owner of action taken and warn of intention to file a lien against the property and to seek a judgment for the amount owed and collection/legal expenses. We must be willing to file lawsuits for unpaid accounts in order to set a precedent for active collections.


Informing and advising Boards of Directors as they make the policy decisions for the community

As good listeners first, we apply our many years of experience to help solve the problems that Boards of Directors find themselves grappling with. Using our strong background in construction, property maintenance and business management, we suggest problem solving strategies and then follow through with the leg work to fully develop these proposals and to implement the solutions as approved by the Board.

Instituting and executing the collection policy

All services, improvements, and vital activities begin with collection of revenues. We have come to realize that prompt attention to delinquent accounts increases the likelihood of full collections. We pride ourselves in effectively and successfully performing the collection tasks and have played an instrumental role in the financial turnaround in several of the communities we serve.  While at all times remaining diligent and respectful , we apply all legally allowable means and fees to encourage prompt payment from the Members and obtain maximum results for the Community Association. When necessary we engage a legal team to secure, protect, and collect the monies owed.

Fairly & Respectfully enforcing the Covenants, Rules & Regulations of the Association

We provide scheduled community inspections to ensure adherence to the neighborhood covenants and restrictions. We employ a progressive system of notification to encourage and obtain Homeowner's compliance in accordance with the Covenants and Rules of the HOA. In our experience these efforts have been the catalyst for remarkable neighborhood turnarounds that continually bring desirable conditions and development.

Supervising the contract vendors to insure proper care and maintenance of facilities

Through many years experience as local contractors,  we have developed relationships with competent and reliable vendors to assure quality services at the best prices. Our goal is always to obtain essential service while at the same time always minimizing any association liability.

Full accounting of finances and assistance with annual budgeting with proactive planning for financial reserves

We believe the Board of Directors should always have full knowledge and access to the financial records of the Association. We offer a customized report for these decisions makers as they formulate policy and make spending decisions for the Association. We assist the Board of Directors by recommending a draft budget for their consideration and by providing the total financial management for the Association.

Conducting as requested the Annual Meeting & Election of Officers

We provide expert assistance as needed for event planning/management to facilitate successful annual meetings and conduct elections.  Our office handles all the meeting announcements , information packets for Homeowners, and  balloting. We also are available to participate in or conduct the meetings as directed by the Board.

Providing detailed information and assistance to the Directors and Members of the Association

Successful community Association Management is best achieved through good communication. We endeavor to be an accessible, accommodating, and proficient resource to provide needed assistance for all.